Hauls and all that..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Have you ladies had any bra strap problems? You know.. where your bra straps are showing when wearing a RACER BACK shirt? I know i have.. And usually all my bra straps are not adjustable hide the straps while wearing those shirts. So I found an option.. and I made my boyfriend buy me this while we were at walgreens! LOL!!

Its called Strap Perfect, and its seen on tv. The price was 9.99 and it come with six clips in 3 colors. Also, those double stick tape thingys came with it as a bonus.





This is a life saver for me because I just hate when my bra straps are shown when they are not suppose to.. I don't know it just bugs the hell out of me.

Here are other additional things I bought..


I really like this concealer because its really great at covering the darkness under the eye.

Oh yeah! I also bought a new camera b/c I get bored of things easily. hahah.. I got a canon powershot sd 880 is. It's a really great camera and easy to use. however I still love my nikon coolpix s710. the canon is just better with macro shots! amazing with macro shots actually. I'll give you guys a comparison on the both soon.

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