Super relaxing New Year's day. The only time I stepped foot out of the house was to go grocery shopping with the hubby. We got ingredients to make Carne Asada Tacos, Hawaiian Garlic Shrimp and Elote. It's been a while since we actually cooked together we just haven't had the time at all last year. ...
Last time I made a blog post was the beginning of this year. Here I am, revisiting my blog again with an update! I told myself I would frequently update this Blog this year, apparently that didn't happen. I was too busy wedding planning and didn't really have time for anything, except work, sleep, wedding plan. Now that the wedding is over, I'll...
2017 was a very busy year. A year of many different experiences and struggles along the way. As with every year, we celebrated birthdays with our families. I got to travel to a different state that I've never been to before. My Husband got baptized on Easter Vigil, and got his sacraments of Communion and Confirmation. I spent a lot more time with...