Wanted to play around with my camera so I can get better.
Here are some pictures from around the house.
Nothing really interesting lol.
I had to adjust the ISO inside the house because it was pretty dark in here. The lowering the shutter and aperture still made the image dark.. so I increased the ISO.. and that really helped. yay for low lighting techniques! lol.. i'm still learning..
The railing of my stairs
Exposure 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture f/1.8
Focal Length 50 mm
Focal Length 50.4 mm
ISO Speed 200
all i did here was increase the aperture.
Exposure 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture f/3.5
Focal Length 50 mm
Focal Length 50.4 mm
ISO Speed 200
aw crud.. my take home exam. i'll do it tonight
i'm so not in the mood right now.. :/
My gorilla Norris.
My boyfriend got him for me on valentines day
My laundry.
haha. I like to bring my laundry back home.
it's free..! :D
the fabric with the blue stripes...
that's a hospital gown. hahaha! took it from my lab class
so I can practice head to toe assessment on my boyfriend or something
an aloe plant in front of my house
i like the water droplets on it.
interesting branches..
it's braided. lol.
doesn't it look neat?
My white balance is off on this picture..
thank goodness for lightroom or photoshop!
i probably didn't use appropriate settings to fix this picture..
but it looks a lot better than the first!
I hate this wet nasty weather.. the only plus side about it was that class was canceled monday because the storm the day before caused a flood and caused a power outage. That felt great. other than that... yuck!
Here's a picture of the sky on Monday. It was sunny that day.. taken from out of my apartment.
Now it's all bipolar. it was sunny, cloudy then rain.. i'm a sunny type of girl, it just raises my mood and i feel much happier. I was also born in the summer time, july 1st to be exact! turning 21 this year!! yay!

Yesterday I had 2 exams in one day. These two exams were both filled with soo much informations and chapters.. Man it was tough... imagine when finals come along.. OMG.. i'm looking forward to it.. but not.
Although these tests are multiple choice, they are tricky as heck! it's hard.. but anything is possible..
wasn't too happy with the score on my first exam yesterday. grr.. although i did pretty well on the second exam. I studied more for the first one.. but eh...
Now that all that's over and done with.. my other patho teacher gave us a 14 page take home exam due monday.. greeeatt! no breaks.. Shoot me will ya?
Registering for classes next semester.. oh man.. I won't have a life.. mon-fri... i'm use to my 3 day weekend.. clinicals thursday and friday 1:30-9pm.. MED SURG...
blogging keeps me sane.. it really does.. looking at other blogs keep me sane as well.
I never really like posting a blog without pictures..
I feel like I have to post something or it wouldn't be interesting.
Pictures tell stories.. and they are also wonderful memories in the past.
Sunshine.. please come back and shine your warmth back on us!
I'm looking forward to spring weather!
A once sunny day at the park..
I never really like posting a blog without pictures..
I feel like I have to post something or it wouldn't be interesting.
Pictures tell stories.. and they are also wonderful memories in the past.
Sunshine.. please come back and shine your warmth back on us!
I'm looking forward to spring weather!
A once sunny day at the park..
Gum balls anyone?
a floral cupcake.
it reminds me of easter.
this was my lil niece's cupcake on her birthday.
My grandma and grandpa..
this was taken at halfmoon bay.
I miss them a lot.
they are currently in the Philippines for vacation.
I hope they are having a wonderful and safe time there.
I hope to see you soon!
My boyfriend and I call this OUR burger. lol. We made this burger last Saturday I think, and I'm just not getting it on my blog.
We used Ground beef. normally i would used ground turkey, but why not beef today. lol
then we mixed it with chopped garlic and chopped onion,
along with some spices: garlic powder, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, emerald seasoning.
then throw it on the george formal grill and watch the fat slide off. lol
Then we had some pepper jack cheese, lettuce, and some jalapeno.
Then smacked it on some whole wheat burger buns
We got a back of criscut fries in the freezer department of target. those were pretty good too
Along with the meal we had some italian salad with italian dressing and italian croutons. lol!
yumm.. im making myself hungry right now. but yeah it's 4am in the morning.. can't be eating this late.. or this EARLY.
Why am I up this late? I was updating my ipod and making a workout playlist. I have a ton of music saved onto my external hard drive so I was digging through that for a long while. Then I also downloaded the updated version of photoshop, which is CS5. I just wanted to see how it was since I had CS3 for a while. and now i'm here blogging, about to share the photo's I've taken with you all!

check out the fatty juices. can someone say artery clogger? lol.

check out the fatty juices. can someone say artery clogger? lol.
eeks! been messing with the white balance.. i'm still learning..
yuck. not diggin this pic at all. lol. I was excited to eat. who cares about what the picture would look like.
Pictures from this weekend..
The weather this weekend has been ugly.
Rain high winds.. eww. yuck.
But being with my boyfriend brings sunshine into any gloomy weather :D
he hates it when I take random pictures of him.
Just messing with my camera and the settings..
i've been into food and photography blogs lately.
I feel that blogs are more entertaining than youtube.. well as of right now.
I'm trying to get better at my photography so inspiration and advice from
other bloggers can help me a lot.
Who loves thin mints say I!
I found a recipe for making these babies.
i will definitely try them soon.
Since i'll be too impatient to wait the next year for these suckers.
Does anyone know why boys keep the stickers on their hats?
to keep it new?
The bag i got from target.
I love target bags! they're the bestest!
i like the floral design in the inside. really cute.
Udon Noodles
This walgreen drive thru takes forever!
Krispy Kreme. yes i know terribly unhealthy.
so cute how they put a happy face though!
I bought these 2 books yesterday from Barns and noble
a picture of my stacked post-its!
i use them as book marks on my text books. lol!
PS: Pardon the typos. It's been a long day. lol
What i know from a profile picture is they are the side view image of the person.
I've been looking through my flickr photostream and came across a few Profile pictures i'd like to share with you all. I take a lot of profile pictures of my boyfriend. I just love how his features look in a side few. Mines aren't that flattering.. my nose looks piggish. My cousin Maricris has the most gorgeous profile pictures. I love here feature on her. Very lovely..
He's a total hottie in my eyes :)
My cousin Maricris. Just lovely.
Here's mine. This wasn't a spontaneous picture.
My cousin actually told me to do a profile picture.
ehh.... not flattering.