sushine.. please come back.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011I hate this wet nasty weather.. the only plus side about it was that class was canceled monday because the storm the day before caused a flood and caused a power outage. That felt great. other than that... yuck!
Here's a picture of the sky on Monday. It was sunny that day.. taken from out of my apartment.
Now it's all bipolar. it was sunny, cloudy then rain.. i'm a sunny type of girl, it just raises my mood and i feel much happier. I was also born in the summer time, july 1st to be exact! turning 21 this year!! yay!

Yesterday I had 2 exams in one day. These two exams were both filled with soo much informations and chapters.. Man it was tough... imagine when finals come along.. OMG.. i'm looking forward to it.. but not.
Although these tests are multiple choice, they are tricky as heck! it's hard.. but anything is possible..
wasn't too happy with the score on my first exam yesterday. grr.. although i did pretty well on the second exam. I studied more for the first one.. but eh...
Now that all that's over and done with.. my other patho teacher gave us a 14 page take home exam due monday.. greeeatt! no breaks.. Shoot me will ya?
Registering for classes next semester.. oh man.. I won't have a life.. mon-fri... i'm use to my 3 day weekend.. clinicals thursday and friday 1:30-9pm.. MED SURG...
blogging keeps me sane.. it really does.. looking at other blogs keep me sane as well.
I never really like posting a blog without pictures..
I feel like I have to post something or it wouldn't be interesting.
Pictures tell stories.. and they are also wonderful memories in the past.
Sunshine.. please come back and shine your warmth back on us!
I'm looking forward to spring weather!
A once sunny day at the park..
I never really like posting a blog without pictures..
I feel like I have to post something or it wouldn't be interesting.
Pictures tell stories.. and they are also wonderful memories in the past.
Sunshine.. please come back and shine your warmth back on us!
I'm looking forward to spring weather!
A once sunny day at the park..
Gum balls anyone?
a floral cupcake.
it reminds me of easter.
this was my lil niece's cupcake on her birthday.
My grandma and grandpa..
this was taken at halfmoon bay.
I miss them a lot.
they are currently in the Philippines for vacation.
I hope they are having a wonderful and safe time there.
I hope to see you soon!