Thursday, January 22, 2009Shoot, i totally screwed up on my chem quiz today. I had the whole time to study yesterday and all I was doing was chit chatting and surfin the web. SHIT! I guess this is my wake up call for this semester. I can't be fuckin' up otherwise i'd have to stay a semester or two longer. I keep thinking i'm still in winter break.. but I gotta step up my game and keep focused!! I have so many things to read and understand.. Earlier today in my Bio class the teacher was lecturing about macromolecules or whatever.. and I was so lost. I was like drifting off to my own world because i didn't understand it. Therefore, I really need to read and understand the information. This ain't like anatomy where I just gotta study body parts, there's hella other shit to it. DAMN I'm so disappointed about myself.
Let's just hope i'll do well!
It's finally raining! well not necessarily raining but sprinkling. Well.. where I am it's not really sprinkling either.. it's like misting. lol. Darn. I miss home.. I wanna lay on my bed and take showers without wearing slippers. I can't wait for the summertime. Everything is usually laid back and no worries or stress about school! I really get on with the studying. i'll be back soon!
Until then, i'll leave yall with pictures from last semester.
My roomie and I.. the day before halloween. Celebrating my friend from high school's b-day (ARIEL) in San Francisco.
My friend Vern from high school. We're the sober ones and designated drivers that night. lol
ya know.. we're taken, so we just dance with girls. lol