It's been a long while since i've updated.
I've been slacking tremendously.
Anyhoo! My Thanksgiving was pretty awesome,
spent time with a few of my close family members.
It wasn't anything big, we don't really
have a big party on Thanksgiving as we would
during Christmas.
My brother cooked the turkey and gravy,
I cooked the garlic mash potatoes and mac and cheese,
my boyfriend helped me with those.
I also made the pumpkin pie cheese cake,
while my boyfriend's sister and I also made a
green bean casserole.
It was fun, basically the siblings chillen in the kitchen.
We had a late start to our thanksgiving meal.
My brother cooked the turkey late because he had
other things to do in the morning.
I didn't know how he wanted the turkey cooked,
so I left it all to him, and made the side dishes.
In the meantime, my cousins who live 2 houses down,
came and delivered some of their food for us to eat.
I'm thankful for that <3 .="" div="">3>

My boyfriend and his family

my boyfriend made the garlic bread!

me cooking in our cluttered kitchen.
Thankful we have a kitchen and appliances that work,
even though they're old.

babe, freshly grating cheese for my mac n cheese. <3 p="">
bro and I getting our cooking done.

Bro cutting up his turkey

Manang Rowena with her food baby.
or maybe a real one...?

Buffet Style

Mei and EyeZ

Manang Ei, stuffing her face.

My lovely parents <3 p="">
Manang Ro and JJ
they helped me get my first job ever!
Love them.

Love this man forever n ever n ever

My dad and brother <3 p="">

My bOo n his Sis

signature pic.

The Couple of the year

Once we were done with our food,
we invited them back over for a Thanksgiving dinner.
It was scrumptious !
This year, I'm so very thankful and blessed to be
surrounded by all my loved ones! I'm also very thankful for
great health, and also getting my first job ever for my nursing
career. I also got my first pay check the day before Thanksgiving,
that was a treat. I'm thankful for everyone and everything in my life.
All the struggles that lead me to becoming successful,
all the love and support throughout the years from family and friends,
being able to wake up each day with a roof over my head, a full stomach,
and a great car for transportation.
I'm truly blessed..
I know I think I have some bad days,
but my bad days are far from struggles that others may have.
There's always something good in your day, no matter how bad you
think your day is.
I'm always thankful, each and every day.

My boyfriend and his family

my boyfriend made the garlic bread!

me cooking in our cluttered kitchen.
Thankful we have a kitchen and appliances that work,
even though they're old.

babe, freshly grating cheese for my mac n cheese. <3 p="">

bro and I getting our cooking done.

Bro cutting up his turkey

Manang Rowena with her food baby.
or maybe a real one...?

Buffet Style

Mei and EyeZ

Manang Ei, stuffing her face.

My lovely parents <3 p="">

Manang Ro and JJ
they helped me get my first job ever!
Love them.

Love this man forever n ever n ever

My dad and brother <3 p="">

My bOo n his Sis

signature pic.

The Couple of the year
