Aztec Secret: Indian Healing Clay
Monday, August 26, 2013
After watching FarahDhukai's Youtube Video about
the Indian Healing clay, I wanted to try it out!
Anything that would help clear my Acne and Pores
is a winner for me.
I purchased this at Whole Foods Market,
I got the larger size of 9.99.
There is a small size for 6.99.
I mixed the clay with equal amounts of clay
and apple cider vinegar.
They say that the apple cider vinegar works
better with the clay instead of mixing it with water.
I measured half a tablespoon for each and mixed it.
I used an old foundation brush to apply the product just like
how Farah did it in her video.
On the label of the clay it says it makes your
skin pulsate. I didn't believe it at first,
but I really felt my face pulsating!
It was crazy!!
I left it on for about 20 minutes
then rinsed it off and applied moisturizer over it.
In the morning I saw a reduction of the size of my pimples!
My skin looked really good!
I just want to keep doing it again and again, but I heard
once a week is all that you should do.
I added lavender essential oil just to cancel the smell from the apple cider vinegar.
After rinsing my face I did notice a slight redness, but that is suppose
to be expected.
Overall I'm really liking this product!!
Product Label
Health & Beauty
"World's Most Powerful Facial"
Deep Pore Cleaning!
100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay
Feel Your Face Pulsate!
Facials, acne, bodywraps, clay baths, foot soaks, chilled clay for knee packs and insect bites!
Enjoy the benefits of clay in your own home.
Beautify & Refresh
Men love it, too.
Source: Vitaminshoppe