My 23rd Bday *July 1, 2013*
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Yup, I'm now 23..
An odd age.. I still feel 21.
22 went by too quick!
Had a tiny family dinner at my house.
Nothing big and special since I already
had a grad party at the house the month before.
Thankful for another year of life,
and so blessed to be surrounded
by my loved ones and being healthy! :)

*June 28, 2013*
My cousin through a bday celebration for our family members
who's birthday lands on the end of June to July.
Crazy because My cousins and I have birthday's 3 consecutive days.
Cousin Rowena and Krystal's Bdays are on June 29.
My Cousin Anne's bday is on the 30th,
and Mine's is on July 1st.
Fun family gathering.