Valentines Day
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I really enjoyed this V-Day with my boyfriend.
First V-Day in a while that I've actually
been home and not in school!
I actually had Jury Duty that morning which I thought was a bummer.
I ended up waking up at 6:45am and got there around 7:30am.
then ended up waiting until 9 to get instructions.
Then at 10, my group was dismissed and we didn't have to
do jury duty that day! HECK YES!!
Afterwards, I came home and got ready.
My boyfriend and I went to Olive garden around lunch time 1pm,
Because later on in the evening around dinner time, restaurants
tend to get packed! We had a yummy meal!
Then we headed to the mall and got each other
V-day Gifts. I actually liked it that way because I got to choose
What I wanted and he did as well. Before V-day though,
He did get my chocolate covered strawberries and a box
of sees candy chocolates which I was craving!
After that we just chilled the whole day,
watched teen wolf, play cards, drink wine.
I love chill day like these.
By far one of the best V-day!

Soup Salad & Breadsticks

Tour of Italy.. Blurry :(

Shrimp Alfredo

Hottie Bear

Soup Salad & Breadsticks

Tour of Italy.. Blurry :(

Shrimp Alfredo

Hottie Bear

My new jacket my boo got me for V-day
Old Navy $40