I finally made it! I never thought this day would come any sooner!
All the hard work and tears paid off! It was quite a journey and I must say
I couldn't have done it without my family friends and loved ones.
on WEDNESDAY 12/12/12 was the day I got pinned aka graduation.
Our school only offers graduation once a year which is towards the end of MAY.
So, if we want to participate in graduation (WALKING WITH CAP & GOWN), we would
have to wait for MAY. But I still considered my pinning day my graduation.
I never knew I was able to push myself this far.
This means there will be new chapter in my life :)
So many things have happened within a few months.
My Grandfather passed away 11/12/12.. Such a sad moment for me.
He was like my second father, and i've never had someone so near
and dear to my heart pass away. It was so hard for me to cope.
I made a promise to my Grandpa (whom I call "TATAY" ) after high school
that I would finish college. His last few weeks here on earth he told me
he would attend my graduation and that he's excited to see me graduate
because i've fulfilled my promise to him.
Unfortunately, he passed away EXACTLY one month prior
to my graduation... I was devastated.
I found ways to sorta cope with the situation,
however, I still have my moments.
That's about what sums up my fall semester..
I'll be trying to update regularly since i'm done with school..
I just need to focus now on studying for my NCLEX.
I'm thinking about making VLOGS as well. Rissrose 2 and It'sjudy'slife inspired
me to make VLOGS. It's also nice to keep a video diary of life.
The few days that my Grandpa was still here with us I tried to Video tape different
moments, and now that he's gone, i'm glad I capture video clips of him.
I would replay the video clips because his presence in the video makes
it feel as if he's still alive. Videos are always better than pictures. I think.
WELL I'll up date soon!!
Fave lipstick at the moment: Diva with MUFE lipliner.. forgot the color..

Fave lipstick at the moment: Diva with MUFE lipliner.. forgot the color..

Liza G.