BRACES! & Tatay's bday!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Yea.. yea.. i'm a little too old to be getting braces.. and yeahh yeahh my teeth look straight. but got braces anyways! Geez they hurt like heck! And I only got my top ones one first, then after 3 months they're going to put the bottom ones. Why?! because I have to wear this splint still for my jaw clicking (TMJ). But no biggies, my ortho told me i'll have the braces out within 1 1/2 years, so before i graduate from the nursing program! awesome dude! here are pictures of me.




I stuck with a neutral color such as silver, because i just wanted to keep it simple and plain. If i we're in highschool, then that would be the time i would be switching colors for each season or holiday.. but that's just not me right now. I'll stick with silver!!

I didn't think my teeth would hurt that much since they're not as bad, but darn they hurt! Can't wait till i can be a able to eat hella good and enjoy my food!

Today, JUNE 2 was also my Granpa's 77th bday :). We celebrated it at a chinese buffet. here are some pictures.








I really haven't caught up with my everyday blogging. but here I go again! Imma fix up this blog too! yay I can blog on both my fitness one which is about fitness and this one is about my everyday life and other interests i have. PS, IM STARVING!

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