I tried out Loreal's Liquid pencil liner today in black noir, and it held up pretty well! I'm impressed!! I applied it only to my upper lash-line and it did not smudge throughout the day or anything. It was if I was almost wearing my blacktrack fluidline by mac! Definitely a great buy from target!!
Loreal Extra-Intense Liquid Pencil Eyeliner: $8.49
Revlon Grow Luscious By Fabulash $8.99
- The glide and intensity of a liquid.
- The precision of a pencil.
- Rich, Dramatically bold lines.
- Pencil Formula glides on smoothly and easily
- Smudge-proof all day wear
- Ophthalmologist tested
- Suitable for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.
- Mascara and Lash enhancer
- 96% saw instantly longer, more lush lashes
- Get lashes that not only look instantly longer and lusher, they will also grow stronger day after day. Lash enhancing formula complements the natural growth cycle of your lashes and improves their overall appearance and condition with each use. Apply mascara to lashes as usual.
He is so cute and so very handsome! My cousin and I are going to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society in memory of him. The money will go to research so that they can find a cure for it. Here’s the link if you’re interested in donating http://mch.nikewm.llsevent.org/gapasin Anything helps. A dollar.. anything.. I’ve heard many stories about him, but it would be nice to have actually met him and have stories with him. So be kind, and please help me raise money, so that we can save other people’s lives who have struggled with these cancers. It would be great if he was still alive right now, he would’ve been 25 already. But he’s in God’s hands now living a wonderful life.

My mom told me he was trying to smile in the picture.

This is my Oldest brother, Manong Eric. He passed away from Leukemia when he was about 4 years old. I always wondered how he would be like. My parents told me that he was something special. He was a really smart, bright child. He was always smiling. He also spoke illocano (filipino dialect) fluently and was great in English. I've always wanted to meet him. That day will come and we will all be together as a big family once again. He's in a much better place now. No need to worry about pain and suffering, just eternal happiness.
I respect my parents so much, They are such strong people. They've been through soo much and put up with soo much and still manage to keep living life to it's fullest. They deserve everything in the world, but all they want from me is to finish school and become a nurse. I will definitely do that for them and THEN some. I will repay them for everything they've done for me. I love them soo much, and I cannot ask for better parents.
I was touching up on my makeup, and i forgot my nails were still wet and i was rubbing them on the carpet like i didn't have fresh polish on my toes! LOL!
This is a really great habit to get into
My food journal. This is where I write down all the food I consume including their estimated calories. This is so I can keep track of what I eat and to not go over my daily calorie intake which is 1900/day. DEUNG I KNO RIGHT?! but anything to get to my goal weight! Splurging is good once in a while, but not all the time.
I worked out to Turbofire’s fire 30 class! Man I would do Turbofire over insanity to be honest with you. This workout really gets me moving because it’s so much fun and you burn a whole lot of calories and you sweat a whole lot! You don’t even notice how hard you’re working because it’s so much fun!! And this is what Chalene Johnson tweeted:
YUPP!! That’s is freakin amazing! As for Insanity, It’s an awesome workout and all, but some days I feel intimidated by it and don’t feel like working out because I really hate the push-up parts. My arms don’t really need to be toned, but the cardio is great! However, Turbofire is more inspiring and more motivating to do! it’s so much fun! You can still look good and achieve you’re body by doing a great fun workout!! It doesnt always have to be too intense!
@chalenejohnson: Did u know that 4 min. of HIIT (#TURBOFIRE) can be more effective than 30 to 40 min on a treadmill or stair climber?
YUPP!! That’s is freakin amazing! As for Insanity, It’s an awesome workout and all, but some days I feel intimidated by it and don’t feel like working out because I really hate the push-up parts. My arms don’t really need to be toned, but the cardio is great! However, Turbofire is more inspiring and more motivating to do! it’s so much fun! You can still look good and achieve you’re body by doing a great fun workout!! It doesnt always have to be too intense!
Today I woke up early to do My boyfriend's little sister's makeup along with her friend's, for their friend's 16th birthday. She's having a quince type party and they are part of her dancing court.

I enjoy being a so called 'free' makeup artist, b/c it allows me to experiment with different eyes and helps me practice! :) I'm really not all that great with makeup.
I enjoy being a so called 'free' makeup artist, b/c it allows me to experiment with different eyes and helps me practice! :) I'm really not all that great with makeup.