Monday, April 13, 2009Two weeks ago I went snowboarding with my roomie and her friend. We went to sugar bowl in norden, ca. I Also bought new snowboarding gear and i love my new board bindings and boots. I always wanted the color white, because I would see other girls with that color and it just look hella fresh, so i ended up getting a bunch of white gear including my helmet. lol! I was happy with my shopping.
The day before my roomie and I went to sierra snowboard and ski in sacramento to go shop for my new snowboarding gear and clothes, and everything was 50% off! Oh, how i love bargains!!! thank goodness they were all 50% if it wasnt.. damn i would be in major debt! hahaha!! anyways here are pictures :D enjoy!
As you can tell, i'm not a pro, I just know how to control my speed and stop lol.. I'll get better, next winter season i'll be hittin up them slopes like nothing. hahah!